Technology in Real Estate

Despite being the single largest industry in the United States in terms of assets, the real estate sector has been surprisingly behind the times when it comes to the adoption of cutting-edge technology.

According to a recent article in Forbes, the real estate industry is at the same place now that many other industries were just getting to in the late ‘90s and early 2000s. Many of the largest real estate companies are using proprietary technology, which entails frequent updates, patches, and ever-expanding functionality, along with all of the known problems that those sorts of fixes bring.

At the same time, there has been little interest in adopting industry-standard platforms in almost all other sectors. This has led to terrible inefficiency, a sort of constant reinvention of the wheel as 20 different companies develop 20 different solutions to precisely the same problem without ever collaborating with each other or determining what an optimal solution might look like based on their collective experience.

All told, the real estate industry is behind the technological times.

Some innovations are showing big promise…

See my blog at for my full article.

Pittsburgh Real Estate: The Market in 2018

Those looking to make a savvy investment may want to look towards Pittsburgh. George Hackett, president of Coldwell Banker Real Estate Services in Pittsburgh, remarks that home sales have been “extraordinary” for 2018, citing a ten percent increase in home sale closings over the past year.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania isn’t the most booming market in the United States. It’s currently rated as the twenty-second most populous city in the country, but that can be seen as a positive given the long-term history of the city. The collapse of the city’s reputation as the steel manufacturing capital of the country presaged a nosedive for Pittsburgh’s economy, but today it’s seen as undergoing something of a renaissance.

Pittsburgh has been drawing in national tech companies like Uber and Apple, and with that comes both an influx of new residents and a higher standard of living. The sudden growth of industry in the city brings with it new investments in luxury boutiques and an aggressive push to make more appealing and livable spaces in the once-floundering metropolis.

Further bolstering this economic boom is a new initiative by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. They’ve recently announced plans to build a $200 million immunology center that could draw in scientists and medical professionals from around the world.

And while it’s easy to speak in anecdotes about a city’s health, these particular anecdotes come backed by some respectable numbers. Home prices have increased on average by almost eleven percent in the past year, putting the new median home price at $142,800. While that’s a significant increase, it still puts pricing well below the national median of $216,700. That leaves prospective homeowners in a promising position.


I originally discussed this topic on my blog at

Tips for Interior Painting

Painting a home’s interior make a dramatic improvement in how the room looks. Making the decision to paint is a simple one, but painting the wrong way result in a complete mess. To avoid mistakes, there are certain things you can do to ensure that your painting job turns out perfectly the first time.

Mix multiple cans of paint into one large container

The exact same paint color can vary from can to can. This means that when you finish with one can of paint, the contents of the next can look slightly different, creating an uneven look on the wall. In order to avoid this issue, pour several cans of paint into one large container. Mix it all together, and you’ll end up with a uniform, consistent color that is ready to be spread over large surfaces.

Prep your walls thoroughly by cleaning them before you begin painting

A dirty, dusty wall will lead to a dirty, dusty paint job. In addition, paint does not adhere properly to dirty walls. In order to make sure that your newly painted walls are pristine, clean them before you begin painting. Remove dirt, grime, scuff marks on walls and baseboards with a cloth and warm soapy water. Use a mop to get into hard-to-reach corners of the ceiling, removing cobwebs and dust. A diluted vinegar solution can be used to wipe any residue off the walls, usually causing no damage.

Prepping for painting may take a bit more time and effort, but doing so can help ensure that you end up with professional-looking, beautiful results.

For more on smoothing wall imperfections and picking a good primer, see