What’s the Big Deal with Tiny Homes?

What's the Big Deal with Tiny Homes_ by Jason Cohen Pittsburgh

It’s hard to escape the Tiny House phenomenon. There are HGTV shows, Instagram accounts, and a plethora of stories about buying a home under 400 square feet. They require downsizing your possessions, they’re crowded, and they lack a lot of the amenities of a full size home, so why go tiny? While it certainly isn’t for everyone, there are numerous benefits to living in a tiny home.

Minimalism is Key in a World of Hoarders

Oftentimes, people decide to go small because their life has become riddled with material possessions. Maybe they want to escape the clutter. Maybe they want to donate items and give back. Perhaps they are just tired of cleaning up the mess of a huge home. Regardless the reason, a small home will undoubtedly require purging, and it can certainly be good for the soul. However, the minimalist lifestyle isn’t for everyone. A lot of towns have outlawed the portable housing, which can make relocating difficult. There are towns that encourage tiny house living, however, to help boost their economy.

Cheaper than Mortgage, and Maybe Even Rent

According to the Washington Post, a lot of tiny house owners go tiny for freedom from a mortgage. In fact, cost is one of the first factors in deciding to go tiny. It often gives people the opportunity to be homeowners when they couldn’t normally afford it. It also makes traveling more flexible, as tiny homeowners can uproot their home to each city they travel to and avoid hotel costs and having to constantly eat out. It’s just important to know the laws of states you’re traveling to.

Green as the Cash You’re Saving

Tiny homes are often first purchased as a means of saving money for people looking to avoid paying property taxes, rent, or long-term temporary housing. However, they sometimes stay because a tiny house allows them a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle. Tiny houses can run on solar energy, can have composting toilets and are often in remote areas where you can garden and grow herbs and spices. Plus, they require much less electricity than traditional homes.

Looking for a minimalist lifestyle? An affordable mortgage? Wanting to help out the environment? Tiny house living may be just the right option for you. Just keep in mind that it can be difficult to find land to “park” your home. However, once you know where you’re going to set up your new digs, the possibilities are endless.

*Originally published at JasonCohenPittsburgh.net

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